Sunday, April 26, 2009

Family Mission

It is done!! During Easter Break Jake and I worked on some projects around the house. Our main goal wa to get our Family Mission statement written out and the summary on the wall.
My job was to try to make it look good. Well, here it is for all of you that have asked me how it turned out. This is on the wall above our kitchen cabinets.

I was very excited to find some fun decor to go with our clock. We found the clock awhile ago at Target and finally ordered it right before Easter. I took an afternoon and headed to Home Goods (a really great, fun, cheap store that everyone needs to check out!) and found some fun things that went with it.

I have to say, I am very excited about my new kitchen stuff!! Now you have to all come visit to see it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Sunday

I know this post is a week late, but I had to finish up our Easter traditions before we could go on!! Easter was filled with family and lots of fun. We started out a little tired so we didn't quite make it to our Easter breakfast at church, but we made it to service where we met up with Grandpa Joe and Uncle Caleb and Aunt Kalie. Uncle Brady, Aunt Amanda where there too with Brady's parents; Bob and Deb.

When we got home, we finished telling the story of Jesus and how he defeated death and rose from the dead.

Here is our final show; our Bible, Jesus defeating death and our lily's we bought in memory of Jane (Jake's Mom-she would have loved them!!)

We also got to talk to Uncle Jared over Skype! It was very fun seeing him and talking about all his adventures in Israel.

FINALLY: The lamb hunt-the search for the sacrificial lamb!! Drew had a blast searching for the lambs and finally finding Jesus among the lambs. He did a great job and was rewarded with his first golf clubs ($5 at Walmart--love it!)

After the hunt we headed in for lamb cake. I do have to say I impressed myself with my decorating skills. It was so fun, I am very excited for this tradition. Even though the cake overflowed and was very think (note: use layer cake not two packs of normal cake!!) it was a fun new adventure.

Here are the troops eating!!

Drew ended his fun Easter with a Gator ride. He drove until dark. (Forgive the pictures-my camera started to go fuzzy and then Monday it went black. We will have to get a new one!)

Here is the final story video:

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Darkest Day in History

Friday we remembered the darkest day in history. They day that our Savior Jesus Christ was betrayed, beat, mocked and crucified. Jake and Drew acted out the story with our little people. We also made a mountain that we will use for our play each Easter.

Drew said, "Oh no, Jesus died."

Jesus on the Cross...

Jesus is now in the tomb...and we wait...

Easter Week Celebration

This Easter has been so fun as we have been implementing our new family traditions. You will see above our new candle countdown. Starting on Palm Sunday we light all the candles and blow one out each day until we hit Friday; the darkest day in history, the death of our Savior.

We also reenact the whole story of the Crucifixion story using one of Drew's picture Bible. Here you can see we are acting out Palm Sunday when Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. Our people are made out of pipe cleaners (the first video below you will see Drew hailing in Hosanna!)

Hosanna, blessed is the King!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Week

Palm Sunday was a great day filled with worship at church, naps and egg decorating! Aunt Amanda and Uncle Brady came over to decorate some eggs with Drew. He has a blast turning his finger all sorts of colors with the dye.

I think they were quite successful!
The finished eggs!

On Saturday we headed to Dassel, MN to help Uncle Mike and Aunt Lex with their house. Grandma and Grandpa were there, so the kids received their Easter Baskets...too cute.