Today, I and six others rented out some Mo-peds. I initially wanted to dominate the two-wheeled contraption with ease, but alas! I failed. I was pretty much cursed the whole two hours. First, my brakes were not exactly in the best shape. Second, my helmet did not fit properly so it kept falling off my head when I was going about 70-80 Kilometers/Mile out on the high way... :) AWESOME. And third, I did not anticipate off-roading with this dainty little machine. I biffed it TWICE right in front of our cute Turk guide, Edgoon. It was grand!

The first fall was more of a graceful fal

Through out this lovely fun filled afternoon, I was absolutely giddy to be out on the open road looking to what is ahead and at the beautiful Red Valley Turkish terrain. In the same way, I am looking ahead to what God has planned for me and my life and what beauty lies there. I am ready to be that better person and live life in the fast lane on the open road with God (in todays case: James) leading the way.

I am not sure why today was my favorite day... It really isn't normal for one to think that the only day they got hurt was their favorite day, but it was for me. James and Edgoon are still joking about how I need help traversing around our hotel so I don't trip and fall. Whenever they are around, I tend to trip up or down stiars, on an uneven tile, or run into a tree branch... oh dear! I laugh when I think about what they must think of me. It will be sad to leave them and my other Turkish friends behind. But, as said before, I am ready to move right on ahead into the great unkown and let God be the one to save me from my falls in life.