While Drew was gone over Memorial weekend, Jake, Jared and I put together our new swing set. This swing set is an answer to a prayer to oneday be able to get one or find one at a reasonable price. We were actually blessed to get this one for free!! A couple at our friends Bible study were giving it away and they didn't want it so we asked if we could take if off their hands. They were very excited we would take it.
So here is a BIG-PRAISE GOD!! It has only been a few weeks, but we already can see the blessing that it is; Drew loves it and plays on it all day long. Everytime we are inside the first thing he wants to do is to "go outside please mommy..."
We eagerly awaited Drew's return from my parents house on Sunday. He left with the swing set in pieces and we coudn't wait to see what he thought of it.
Both Matthew and Drew enjoy the swing set!
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